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Nyssa Public Schools

A Community Committed to Student Success

804 Adrian Blvd. School District #26 Phone: 541-372-2275

Nyssa, OR 97913-3689     Fax: 541-372-2204

RYAN HAWKINS, Interim Superintendent                           Principals: BRETT JACKMAN, High School

GINA WHITE, Director of Student/Staff Services                 LUKE CLEAVER, Middle School                

MATT MURRAY, Director of Federal Programs                           SHANE PRATT, Elementary School

JOSH DE ANDA, Athletic Director           

August 31st, 2023

Dear Parents and Students,

Happy last day of August. It gives me great pleasure to share with you the remarkable success we have achieved in the first two weeks of this school year. As the Interim Superintendent of Nyssa, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on our journey so far and express my gratitude for the incredible dedication shown by our students, parents, and staff.

The beginning of this school year has been nothing short of inspiring. The enthusiasm and positive energy that each student has brought to their classrooms are a testament to their commitment to learning and personal growth. I have had the privilege of witnessing engaging discussions, collaborative projects, and a genuine thirst for knowledge among our students, which truly warms my heart.

One significant change that we embraced this year is our transition to a four-day school week. I am pleased to see how seamlessly this adjustment has been integrated into our routines. This transition would not have been possible without the cooperation and support of our parents, students, and staff. We believe that this change will not only offer more focused learning opportunities but also grant valuable time for rest and extracurricular pursuits.

I would like to emphasize the critical role that attendance plays in our students' academic success. With our new schedule, every school day is even more valuable, and each day contributes significantly to your child's educational journey. Consistent attendance ensures that your child remains connected to the learning process and can actively participate in classroom discussions, hands-on activities, and collaborative projects. We appreciate your efforts to ensure your child's regular attendance, and we are here to support you in any way we can to facilitate this.

Remember, success is not solely measured by grades but also by the skills acquired, the personal growth experienced, and the relationships formed. Let us continue to foster an environment where every day is an opportunity for growth, where every challenge is a chance to learn, and where every interaction is a step towards building a stronger, brighter future.

Thank you for being an integral part of our school community. Your support, involvement, and dedication are the cornerstones of our success. Let's keep up the momentum and work together to make this school year one filled with accomplishments and positive memories.

If you ever have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to serve the needs of our students and families.

Wishing you all a fantastic continuation of the school year!

Ryan Hawkins

Interim Superintendent

Nyssa School District