Link to pay student fees or purchase a yearbook: https://or-nyssa.intouchreceipting.com/signin
Link to NHS Events Page: https://nhs.nyssa.k12.or.us/o/nyssa-high-school/events
REMINDER: If your student will be absent from school please call 541-372-2287 to excuse their absence - Doctor/Appointment notes can be brought to the front office or faxed to 541-372-9351
UPCOMING EVENTS * Please note dates/times may change and we will do our best to communicate that with you
Monday, 11/18/24 - Deadline for Help Them To Hope can food donations
SPORTS Subject to change
Monday 11/18 - Volleyball banquet 615pm @ NHS Commons
Monday 11/25 - Football banquet 7pm @ NMS Cafeteria
Monday 11/25 - Cross Country banquet 630pm @ Ontario Bowling Alley
Tuesday 11/26 - GBX & BBX home Blue & White Scrimmage 5pm
Friday 11/29 - Girls & Boys Wrestling home Blue & White Scrimmage10am
Thursday 12/5 - GBX @ Ontario 430pm, 6pm, 730pm
Friday 12/6 - GBX home vs. lakeview - TBD
Thursday 12/5 - Saturday 12/7 - BBX home Oregon/Idaho Border Brawl - TBD
Friday 12/6 and Saturday 12/7 - Girls Wrestling @ Homedale; 12/6 depart 10am, 12/7 depart 745am
Friday 12/6 and Saturday 12/7 - Boys Wrestling @ Boise; 12/6 depart 930am, 12/7 depart 630am
Saturday 12/7 - Boys Wrestling @ Caldwell; depart 630am, weigh in 730am
11/23 - State Ag Sales/State Food Science @ Corvallis (All Day)
12/1 - POA and Budgets Due (State Staff)
12/3 - 12/7 - NAAE Conference (San Antonio)
12/4 - Resume & Cover Letter Due
12/11 - Job Interview CDE
⅛ - State Degree Workshop (Nyssa)
1/15 - DO Applications Due (Google Form); State Degree Application Reviewed in Person (Jordan Valley)
1/22 - Farm Business Management, State Degree Presentation, District Officer Elections (Vale)