NMS TRACK TODAY- (4-4)-Due to the current and forecasted weather conditions, the middle school track meet that is scheduled for today in Vale has been rescheduled for Monday, April 8th at 4 pm. NMS TRACK HOY- (4-4)-Debido a las condiciones climáticas actuales y pronosticadas, la competencia de atletismo de la escuela secundaria programada para hoy en Vale ha sido reprogramada para el lunes 8 de abril a las 4 pm.
12 months ago, Luke Cleaver
NMS Tennis Tournament - Today (4-4) and Tomorrow (4-5) is canceled due to weather forecast. It is being moved to next Friday (4-12) and Saturday (4-13) Torneo de tenis NMS: hoy (4-4) y mañana (4-5) se cancela debido al pronóstico del tiempo. Se traslada al próximo viernes (4-12) y sábado (4-13)
12 months ago, Luke Cleaver
April 2nd - Middle School Choir Spring Concert 7PM - NSD Auditorium 2 de abril - Concierto de primavera del coro de la escuela secundaria 7 p.m. - Auditorio NSD
12 months ago, Luke Cleaver
12 months ago, Nyssa School District
Nyssa seventh grade student Alexis Camarillo
April Lunch Menus
about 1 year ago, Nyssa School District
HS LUnch Menu
Elementary Lunch Menu
MS Lunch Menu
10 de abril 18.00 h - 20.00 h Nyssa Secundaria Regístrese para su ¡asientos HOY! https://forms.gle/J8FmLiR36aQBm28H9 AUDITORIO 824 Adrian Blvd, Nyssa, OR Ver folleto para más información April 10th 6pm - 8pm Nyssa High School Register for your seats TODAY! https://forms.gle/J8FmLiR36aQBm28H9 AUDITORIUM 824 Adrian Blvd, Nyssa, OR See flyer for more information
about 1 year ago, Nyssa School District
March Lunch Menus
about 1 year ago, Nyssa School District
NES menu
NHS menu
NMS menu
Parent Education Night 2/28/24 5:00pm to 5:30 pm Threat assessment process 5:45 to 6:15 Character strong info All are welcome, free childcare Noche de Educación para Padres 2/28/24 De 17:00 a 17:30 Proceso de evaluación de amenazas 5:45 a 6:15 Información de carácter fuerte Todos son bienvenidos, cuidado de niños gratis
about 1 year ago, Nyssa School District
Parent Education Night Espanol and English
Parent Education Night Espanol and English
NMS Boys Basketball - Tomorrow ( 2-20) LOCATION CHANGES. Teams were backwards on the schedule. 8th Grade (A&B) in Nyssa. 7th Grade (C&D) at Nampa Christian - Orchard Campus Auxiliary Gym 433 W Orchard St Nampa, Idaho 83651
about 1 year ago, Luke Cleaver
NMS - C&D Boys basketball - Canceled today (2-1-24) VS North Star. A&B will still play at North Star. NMS - C&D Boys Basketball - Cancelado hoy (2-1-24) VS North Star. A&B seguirá tocando en North Star.
about 1 year ago, Luke Cleaver
February Lunch Menus.
about 1 year ago, Nyssa School District
TODAY - 1-18-24 - MS Boys Basketball - Against Ambrose Canceled. It will be rescheduled. Date TBA HOY - 18/01/24 - MS Boys Basketball - Contra Ambrose cancelado. Será reprogramado. Fecha por determinar
about 1 year ago, Luke Cleaver
Vaccine Clinic today, 1/11/24 @ the Elementary School MAC Hall 3:30-6:00pm. Students can receive their school vaccinations. State Exclusion Day is coming up. Make sure your student is up to date on their vaccinations and avoid them being excluded from school. Flu vaccines and COVID (Moderna) vaccines available. Clinica de Vacunas hoy, 1/11/24 @ the Elementary School MAC Hall 3:30-6:00pm. Los estudiantes pueden recibir sus vacunas escolares. El Día de Exclusión del Estado se acerca. Asegúrese de que su estudiante este al día con sus vacunas y evite que sean excluidos de la escuela. Vacunas contra la gripe y COVID (Moderna) vacunas disponibles.
about 1 year ago, Nyssa School District
Parents, please see the attached letter regarding additional counseling services here at Nyssa School District. Padres, por favor vean la carta adjunta acerca de los servicios adicionales de consejería aquí en el Distrito Escolar de Nyssa. https://5il.co/2ca0g
about 1 year ago, Nyssa School District
SCHOOL VACCINE CLINIC Thursday, January 11, 2024 3:30 PM - 6 PM See flyer for details VACUNA ESCOLAR CLÍNICA Jueves, 11 de enero de 2024 15:30 - 18:00 Ver folleto para más detalles
about 1 year ago, Nyssa School District
January Lunch Menus
over 1 year ago, Nyssa School District
Jan Lunch Menu
Jan Lunch Menu
Jan Lunch Menu
TODAY 11/30 - Nyssa Middle School Girls Basketball C& 5th at New Plymouth CHANGES. 5PM Start time for C. D / 5th quarter Canceled. A& B Here - No Change
over 1 year ago, Luke Cleaver
School Lunch Menus for December!
over 1 year ago, Nyssa School District
School Lunch Menus
School Lunch Menus
School Lunch Menus
Nyssa Middle School Girl Basketball - TODAY - C game and 5th quarter in MARSING starts at 5:45 PM. A& B in Nyssa starts at 4:15
over 1 year ago, Luke Cleaver
Turkey Trot Saturday Nov. 18th see flyer for details
over 1 year ago, Nyssa School District
Turkey trot