TODAY - 2/7/25 - HS BASKETBALL IS STILL ON. HS Varsity Girls Basketball 6:00 Varsity Boys Basketball 7:30 No JV today due to weather and Umatilla needing to delaying leave time.
about 3 hours ago, Luke Cleaver
This week's sports schedule for our High School and Middle School teams! Go Bulldogs! ¡El calendario deportivo de esta semana para nuestros equipos de la Preparatoria y la Secundaria! ¡Vamos Bulldogs!
4 days ago, Nyssa Bulldog
2-3 NHS
2-3 NMS
Please follow the link for the weekly newsletter as well as on our Facebook page - Thank you.
4 days ago, Holly Kenyon
NHS Weekly Newsletter
The High School Lunch Menu for February. El menú de almuerzo de la Preparatoria para febrero.
7 days ago, Nyssa Bulldog
HS Lunch
Our sports schedule for our High School and Middle School teams this week! Go Bulldogs! ¡Nuestro calendario deportivo de los equipos de la Preparatoria y Secundaria esta semana! ¡Vamos Bulldogs!
11 days ago, Nyssa Bulldog
NHS Sports
NMS Sports
Please follow the link below for updates on events, sports and more or follow us on our Facebook page.
11 days ago, Holly Kenyon
NHS Weekly Newsletter
Tickets now on sale in the high school office for Saturday, February 1st - See attached flyer or go to our Facebook page for more details.
14 days ago, Holly Kenyon
Nyssa High School will be offering a FAFSA night tonight, January 22, from 5:00-7:00 pm in the High School foyer for anyone needing help with applying for federal financial aid. Please bring social security numbers and your 2023 tax information. Help will be provided in both English and Spanish. Nyssa High School ofrecerá una noche de FAFSA esta noche, el 22 de enero, de 5:00 a 7:00 pm para cualquiera que necesite ayuda para solicitar ayuda financiera federal. Traiga sus números de seguro social y su información fiscal de 2023. La ayuda se proporcionará tanto en Inglés como en Español.
16 days ago, Nyssa Bulldog
Nyssa High School will be offering a FAFSA night tonight, January 22, from 5:00-7:00 in the high school foyer for anyone needing help with applying for federal financial aid. Please bring social security numbers and your 2023 tax information. Help will be provided in both English and Spanish. Nyssa High School ofrecerá una noche de FAFSA esta noche, el 22 de enero, de 5:00 a 7:00 para cualquiera que necesite ayuda para solicitar ayuda financiera federal. Traiga sus números de seguro social y su información fiscal de 2023. La ayuda se proporcionará tanto en inglés como en español.
16 days ago, Holly Kenyon
Our sports schedule for our High School and Middle School teams! Go Bulldogs! ¡Nuestro calendario deportivo de los equipos de la Preparatoria y Secundaria! ¡Vamos Bulldogs!
17 days ago, Nyssa Bulldog
NHS Sports
NMS Sports
Reminder for next week! ¡Recordatorio para la próxima semana!
21 days ago, Nyssa Bulldog
This week's sports schedule for our High School teams! Go Bulldogs! ¡El calendario deportivo de esta semana para nuestros equipos de la Preparatoria! ¡Vamos Bulldogs!
24 days ago, Nyssa Bulldog
1/14 Sports Schedule
Quarter 2/Semester 1 has officially ended today! Report cards will be sent home next week. Please keep an eye out for them, and don't hesitate to contact your student's teacher or school if you have any questions. Thank you for your continued support! ¡El Segundo Trimestre/Semestre 1 ha terminado oficialmente hoy! Los reportes de calificaciones se enviarán a casa la próxima semana. Por favor, estén atentos y no duden en comunicarse con el maestro(a) o la escuela de su estudiante si tienen alguna pregunta. ¡Gracias por su apoyo continuo!
29 days ago, Miguel Segura
Report Card
Report Cards Students
There's a lot happening in this week's sports schedule for our High School teams! Come out and show your support! Go Bulldogs! ¡Hay mucho sucediendo en el calendario deportivo de esta semana para nuestros equipos de la Preparatoria! ¡Vengan a mostrar su apoyo! ¡Vamos Bulldogs!
about 1 month ago, Nyssa Bulldog
1/6 Sports
January Lunch Menus. Menu Subject to change.
about 1 month ago, Nyssa School District
lunch menu
lunch menu
lunch menu
Due to weather, road conditions and safety concerns the boys basketball game in Baker for today has been cancelled. Thank you.
about 2 months ago, Holly Kenyon
Please follow attached link or visit our Facebook page for upcoming events, sports and more!
about 2 months ago, Holly Kenyon
NHS Weekly Newsletter
We want to give a big shoutout to these amazing students and staff! They worked hard to pick up and deliver food and toys to our Nyssa community. Thank you for your incredible help! ¡Queremos dar un gran reconocimiento a estos increíbles estudiantes y personal de la escuela! Trabajaron duro para recoger y entregar comida y juguetes a nuestra comunidad de Nyssa. ¡Gracias por su increíble ayuda!
about 2 months ago, Miguel Segura
Last night our Middle School and High School band put on a great concert for our Nyssa School District families and community! Great job everyone! ¡Anoche, nuestras bandas de la Secundaria y Preparatoria tuvieron un gran concierto para las familias y la comunidad del Distrito Escolar de Nyssa! ¡Buen trabajo a todos!
about 2 months ago, Nyssa Bulldog
NMS Band
NMS Band
NMS Band
NMS Band
NHS Band
NHS Band
NHS Band
NHS Band
Our Middle School and High School band put on a great concert for our Nyssa School District families and community! Great job everyone! ¡Nuestras bandas de la Secundaria y Preparatoria tuvieron un gran concierto para las familias y la comunidad del Distrito Escolar de Nyssa! ¡Buen trabajo a todos!
about 2 months ago, Miguel Segura
NMS Band
NMS Band
NMS Band
NMS Band
NHS Band
NHS Band
NHS Band
NHS Band